JMan’s 2K Tips: How To Grind Out Your MyCareer

NBA 2K19 MyPlayer Grind

MyCareer can be an overall grind, and it can result in loss of motivation, a broken controller, or making multiple builds. I’m here to tell you that there’s a way around all of this. If you have low self-esteem when it comes to MyCareer I have a few tips to make the game more enjoyable while you grind it out.

Quarter Length

You’re probably wondering what the best length for a career game is to earn the most VC and gain the most rep toward badges. Try setting the quarter length to seven-minute quarters. The game isn’t too long, but it gives just the right amount of time to assure that you’ll rep up fast. I gain about 3,500 VC and over 20,000+ MT toward the badge and cap progression.

If you find that you’re restless and impatient, then try the five-minute quarter length. It won’t give you the best results, but it’ll get you in and out of games at a faster rate.


Like I’ve stated in other 2K pieces, the practices are the most slept-on aspect of the game. That 2,800 MT progression is beneficial, yet everyone avoids it.


You can keep an eye out for events like Reese’s, Ruffles, Court Conquer, etc. These events come with double rep and VC, which I’m sure most of you 2K fans know already. What you might not know is that these events come to us without warning. I don’t know how many times I’m sitting in the neighborhood and an event pops up.

I highly recommend not doing those Dunk, Free throw, and Dimes events because the games are slow, and the progression isn’t worth the wait. Save yourself a few minutes.

While progressing and increasing that overall can be a grind, at times, playing the right type of basketball in Pro-Am and Park will benefit you and everyone around you.

Teammate Grade

It’s one of the most important aspects of the Pro-Am mode because it generates the most rep and VC. 2K really puts a focus on team play and playing with your teammates. You’ll often find that scoring 40-50 PPG won’t bring that grade up, even with good shot selection.

Want an easy A for a teammate grade? Do the little things on the court like rebound, dive for that loose ball, and pass pass pass! No one likes a ball hog.


Specific builds get different progression. Some builds get two bars while others get one. This means that I went from an 89 to a 91, while my friend went through two bar upgrades before he got to 91.

Other builds can take forever to upgrade like:

Rebounding Stretch

Sharpshooting Shot Creator

Shot Creating Sharpshooter

Pure Sharpshooter

Pure Stretch

With 2K, you’ll never be able to out-smart the game when it comes to building your character. If you read my earlier pieces, then you know the direction 2K19 took this year, therefore the above builds will take much more time and effort to get that overall up. For instance, now that I’m a 91, the bar moves maybe an inch, if I’m lucky. 2K is a lifestyle, not just a game!

Worried about your build? DM me JMan_PerSources


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